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Afghanistan Regierung

Taliban unveils new caretaker government for Afghanistan

Interim regime includes no women or minority leaders, many on UN sanctions list

On Tuesday, the Taliban introduced their new government, which consists of 33 ministers with a few more to be added. Officially, it is still considered a caretaker government.

The Taliban appointed Mohammad Hasan Akhund, a close aide to the group's late founder Mullah Omar, as head of Afghanistan's new caretaker government. The newly formed interim government in Afghanistan includes neither women nor minority leaders but contains many figures who are on the United Nations Sanctions List.

Around three weeks after their violent takeover of Afghanistan, the Taliban introduced their transitional government, surprising many with the lack of inclusivity.

The Taliban rulers of Afghanistan have appointed Maulvi Abdul Kabir, who played a key role in the 2020 Doha Agreement with the United States, as the country's new caretaker prime minister.
